The Weird Story Behind It All

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I Was So In My Head...

I can't believe I sabotaged myself this way for so long...

Like most people, I've had the belief that you need to work hard in order to create or achieve anything.

And at the same time, I've had a tendency to overthink and overanalyze things.

So I would ping pong, back and forth between extreme overthinking and extreme overdoing. Can you relate? It’s frustrating, overwhelming and well, not fun.

We all do this to some degree, and it’s a trap. It keeps us spinning our wheels without making meaningful progress (both in our external pursuits and our inner spiritual work).

This back and forth between overthinking and overdoing sabotages every aspect of life: health, fitness, relationships, friendships, creative projects, career, wealth, etc.

Last year, I saw this pattern clear as day with my projects. I would obsess over ideas, thinking about them for hours on end, until I was exhausted. Then I would jump into frantic action, again until I was exhausted. And guess what? It got me nowhere.

With that realization, I saw how I did the same ping-pong effect in other aspects of life, especially during the times when I wasn’t happy with that particular part of my life.

Enter: The Vortex

Fresh off this realization, I went to Sedona to get married.

I was meditating at the Boynton Canyon vortex and went into a really deep state.

It was different from other deep meditations because I completely let go - in terms of thinking, and analyzing, but also let go in terms of relaxing my body. That sweet space of surrender.

From this space of surrender, a twinkling little star emerged in the center of my heart-space.

It was so soothing and felt like home. Then, the phrase came to me: Heart Star.

I proceeded to be guided through a meditative process of going into this Heart Star. Coming out of it, I knew I was transformed in a profound way.

As soon as I got home, still buzzing with the vortex energy, I started recording guided meditations based on the process I went through. (More about that below.)

After that that marked the beginning of the end of those ping pong back and forth sabotaging cycles. For myself, I was aware of it on a new level. And I began to dissolve some of those patterns and the underlying beliefs.

Fast Forward To Recently

Soon enough, these patterns started coming up again. As I made progress in areas of life, they revealed themselves in different ways.

So I went back and I actually started doing the meditations that I created. It was the kind of thing where you’re like, “I created this? Wow, I was really in the zone.”

They got me into states of expansiveness, clarity and a deep sense of harmony. It felt incredibly rejuvenating.

In doing the meditations, it started to change me on an even deeper level too. 

I realized that my initial progress around the overthinking/overdoing ping-pong was just the surface level. Because now, after doing these meditations, my whole being was upgrading (not just my conscious awareness).

I noticed that my “human operating system” - my operating system of perceiving and navigating reality - was being upgraded.

I was upgrading from a heady over-analytical operating system (which all of us have had been raised and programmed with) to a more heart-centered operating system.

In going more into my heart, my mental state even became clearer and sharper. So it's funny how that works.

Almost paradoxically, the more you're able to reside in that heart-space, the clearer your mind becomes. You're able to perceive higher truths than you would have when you're just caught in your head.

Covid Mania: Analysis On Its Own Doesn’t Work Anymore

One major thing I've realized over the last 2+ years, since the pandemic started, is that we can't analyze our way out of things anymore.

We can't run from ourselves. We can’t run from our problems. There's no way to immunize yourself from the chaos of the world on a physical or logical level.

But when you're able to change your state, when you're able to be in your heart space: you're completely free.

Through your heart-space, you're completely in your power, and you move through the world in a way where the fear, the chaos, the drama doesn't touch you. It’s an anti-fragile inner harmony.

You're able to improve yourself, help people and be highly creative in the midst of all of the world’s drama.

And that's why this is so important. You're not going to mentally comprehend everything that's going on in the world. You’re not going to figure everything out and know what's going on behind the scenes. You’re not going to be able to analytically plan every step for the next 10 years of your life.

You also can't make yourself 100% safe in terms of physical maladies, diseases, financial pressures, government control, etc. Because we're seeing all of this uncertainty around all of it.

So even with having all your all your i’s dotted and all your t's crossed, you still can’t avoid the chaos entirely.

There’s nowhere to run. But the good news is that you don’t need to run.

These current events are pointing all of us to the heart-space and mastering our state of being. Because that is the only true resilience, the only true freedom, That cannot be taken away from you.

And once you learn how to live in heart-coherence, you start to embody and express your true divine power and act as a big spark for humanity’s Great Awakening.

This is what Heart Star Activations is all about.

It's a sacred sequence to allow you to step into everything I just described.

Introducing: Heart Star Activations...

Benefits of the Heart Star Activations

  • Transcend the loop of over-thinking, over-doing and overwhelm.

  • Make centeredness, presence and inner peace more of your “normal” state of being (so important with the craziness of the world right now).

  • Get out of your head and into your heart more (while actually enhancing your logical capacity and discernment).

  • Develop your ability to drop into high-vibrational states on demand.

  • Integrate and embody more heart-centered qualities (peace, joy, love, compassion, gratitude, flow, clarity, fulfillment, freedom, etc.).

  • Become more magnetic and confident in the most genuine, warm-hearted way.

The Structure

Heart Star Activations is a program like none other. I call it an "activation sequence" because of how it literally activates heart-coherence on a deeper level.

Heart Star Activations consists of:

  • 8 Guided Meditations
  • Explainer Videos
  • Written Activations
  • Treasure Hunts - Simple and fun practices to help you embody heart-centered qualities.

And exclusive bonus materials (see below)

You Get 6 BONUSES Too

  • Bonus #1: The Letting Go Technique - Learn a simple yet powerful technique to let go of unhelpful patterns.
  • Bonus #2: Heart-Centered Discernment - Develop grounded, clear, integrative awareness.
  • Bonus #3: Journaling & Heart Coherence - Tips to help you cultivate deeper heart coherence and self-awareness via journaling.
  • Bonus #4: How To Radiate Heart Coherence - A quick practice to embody heart coherence more in your daily life.
  • Bonus #5: Upshifting Playbook - An incredible resource of practices to help you maintain a high vibration and shift out of lower emotional states.
  • Bonus #6: Heart Coherent Query Technique - Use heart coherence to query higher intelligence and receive answers/insights.

Enroll before August 16th to get access to all of these bonuses.

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Enroll Before August 16th To Receive All Of The Bonuses

Ready To Activate Your Inner Light To A New Level?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this for?

Anyone who wants to embody heart coherence and accelerate their spiritual growth. It's especially helpful for people who tend to get caught up in their head.

How is this delivered?

It's a combination of videos, guided meditations and text.

What's the refund policy?

If you go through the entire program within 30 days and you feel like you wasted your money, send me an email ([email protected]) with a quick explanation and you'll get refunded.

I'm offering this refund because I know you'll feel the heart and soul infused into Heart Star Activations. I stand by the quality 100%.

Access Heart Star Activations By Clicking The Button Below

Enroll Before August 16th To Receive All Of The Bonuses